To create a transparent home for bar-raising industry members to collaborate on best practices, tooling, language, resources, guidance and voluntary standards surrounding running proof of reserves.
If a set of private companies attempt to declare that "they do proof of reserves" and they all do it differently, or worse some claim to do it sufficiently to their customers when they actually don't, this adds inefficiency and risk to the entire industry. This will slow the pace of an entire industry and cost everybody more. There are valid reasons why custody is necessary, especially for institutions.
Every business shouldn't have to invent proof of reserves. | There should be open source technology and service providers ready to help do it right and quickly. |
Every business shouldn't have to teach their customers how to validate their balances and review financial statements. | There should be crowd-sourced documentation to help this along. |
A single company or organization shouldn't become the defacto record keeper of who does PoR "correctly". | An open forum should track progress and short-comings transparently to compete against the outcome of a corruptible or biased institution. |
Our latest Proof of Reserves attestation has been issued - What does this mean? --> A 🧵👇
— Ledn (@hodlwithLedn) August 19, 2021
What I posted in June 2015 still stands true today - Didn’t we learn anything?
— Mark Karpelès (@MagicalTux) November 13, 2022
MtGox failure had exchange publish proof of funds/etc for a few months, but people stopped caring and everything went back to what it was.
Are we going to do that again?
1. Publish proof of reserves
— Jeff (@jmclarty) November 13, 2022
2. Assert+Audit that you don't deal with anybody who doesn't
3. Make the above regulation via peer pressure.
Industry can self-regulate.
This is simple open source software to maintain.
[NEW TODAY] Due to recent events, investors are understandably inquiring deeper into their crypto investments. In this thread we’ve compiled additional information about the safety and security of the assets held by our digital asset products. 🧵
— Grayscale (@Grayscale) November 18, 2022
Grayscale GBTC Trust, the largest legal holder of BTC, refuses to provide any Proof of Reserve.
— 🏴∴Ergo∴🏴 (@ErgoBTC) November 20, 2022
To begin a community lead effort at transparency for the GBTC holdings, we have taken steps to ID likely GBTC addresses and balances based on public info and blockchain forensics.
I've spent the last 2 months recapping my thoughts on 2022 & suggestions going forward for intermediaries in the digital asset space. The report builds upon prior transparency concerns & how to mitigate some of WTF happened in 2022 with my team at Hoseki
— Jeremy (@NegentropyorDie) November 21, 2022
Here's what we found
2/2 #ProofOfReserves audit must have:
— Jesse Powell (@jespow) November 22, 2022
1. sum of client liabilities (auditor must exclude negative balances)
2. user-verifiable cryptographic proof that each account was included in the sum
3. signatures proving that the custodian has control of the wallets
Words matter.
— Jeff (@jmclarty) November 23, 2022
This needs to become the norm...
We're excited to see how far we can go as an industry with on-chain accounting and are exploring new ways to prove reserves.
— Coinbase (@coinbase) November 25, 2022
We're also announcing a $500k developer grant program to encourage others.
Here’s how I think about it: if no auditor, then follow the BitMEX PoL scheme (anyone can verify no negative liabilities). If auditor oversight present (as with Kraken) then standards for aggregate PoL verification can be looser
— punished nic (@nic__carter) November 25, 2022
To address questions posed by Jesse P,
— CZ 🔶 Binance (@cz_binance) November 26, 2022
In the report 👇, "Upcoming Plans: Involve third-party auditors to audit PoR results", for this PoR result.
I said multiple times publicly, the bottleneck was the auditors has a few weeks wait. We move forward in incremental steps. 1/2
Agree with this post on PoR - benefits and shortcomings - from @coinbase. Excited to see them propose a grant to push forward PoL tech. IMO we need to move towards ZK solutions for liability side - merkle leaks too much data.
— punished nic (@nic__carter) November 26, 2022
no one asked for it, but here it is anyway: my 2022 Proof of Reserve year in review
— happy nic year (@nic__carter) December 29, 2022
I just published @Binance Has a Major Pegging Problem with @DataFinnovation and @chainargos
— Patrick Tan (@patrick_novum) January 17, 2023
This week for @OnTheBrinkCIV I sat down with Deribit Chief Commercial Officer Luuk Strijers to cover their new Proof of Reserve implementation
— nic carter (@nic__carter) January 17, 2023